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Wednesday 22 December 2021

Balochistan Education Sector Plan

Balochistan Education Sector Plan 2020-25

Balochistan Education Sector Plan 2020-25

Vision: To promote and ensure quality education and its effective service delivery for all without any discrimination.

Mission: To achieve quality education for all by provision of infrastructure, missing facilities, relevant curriculum and instructional materials, trained teachers, standardized assessment through good governance.

BESP 2025 Programs


Program-1:Access and Participation

Program-2: Assessment and Examination

Program-3: Child Care and Welfare

Program-4: Data and Research

Program-5: Effective Teachers

Program-6: Governance & Management

Program-7: Learning Design

Program-8: Technical and Vocational Education

BESP 2025 Sub Programs


1 Credibility of Examinations
2 Afghan Refugee Children Sub
3 BAEC Assessments and Examinations
4 BBISE Examinations
5 Child Care and Welfare
6 Children with Special Needs
7 Continuous Professional Development
8 Effective Teachers
9 Learning Design
10 Pre-Service Teacher Education
11 Teacher Availability
12 TextBooks
13 Comprehensive policy and legal framework
14 Better Planning
15 Results-based management
16 Better Human Resource Management and Development
17 Greater Private Sector Engagement
18 Effective Decentralised Structures
19 Gender-inclusive management
20 Effective accountability
21 Increased Transparency
22 Constructive Political Engagement
23 Access and Participation
24 Quality of TVET Provision
25 Governance and Management
26 Comprehensive Needs Based Database
27 Standardised Analysis
28 Use of Data
29 Research Based Reviews
30 Expanded educational opportunities
31 Girls’ participation
32 Addressing demand side barriers to access and participation
33 System level capacity for NFE/ ALP Programs
34 Expansion of opportunities for NFE /ALP programs
35 Quality and Relevance of NFE/ALP Programs
36 Approach to Schooling under COVID 19

BESP 2025 Goals


GOAL-1: A learning design that addresses the needs of the child, the requirements of life and livelihood and the realities of society, classroom and teachers.

GOAL-2: Strengthen assessment and examination system to have a position and high impact on learning.

GOAL-3: Enhance quality of care, support and inclusion for all children in schooling and community including those with special needs.

GOAL-4: Increase in access and participation to formal and non-formal educational opportunities for school – age children, especially girls, and improvement in adult literacy.

GOAL-5: Ensure education policies, planning, monitoring and reform are based on empirical evidence derived from Data and research.

GOAL-6: Promote better Governance and Management for a more efficient, effective, inclusive and accountable service delivery.

GOAL-7: Increase employment of Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates.

BESP Contents

BESP 2020-25.pdf download

Balochistan Education Sector Plan

Balochistan Education Sector Plan 2020-25 Balochistan Education Sector Plan 2020-25 Vision: To promote and ensure qua...