Balochistan Education Sector Plan Targets
1 Alternative options to use of teachers on additional duties identified
2 An index on child welfare developed and district wise data collected
3 Availability of curriculum specialists enhanced
4 Awareness campaigns against cheating conducted
5 BAEC conducts regular diagnostic assessments
6 BBISE examination conducted in specialised arrangement in response to COVID 19
7 BBISE examination conducted in specialised arrangement in response to COVID 20
8 BBISE examination conducted in specialised arrangement in response to COVID 21
9 BBISE’s approach to examinations is aligned with the curriculum, including analytical questions
10 Better quality primary teachers recruited
11 Capacity development plan for BBISE revised and implemented
12 Capacity development plan of BAEC is implemented
13 Capacity for care and management of special education in Balochistan developed
14 Capacity of BOC&EC enhanced
15 Capacity of BTBB enhanced
16 Capacity of PITE enhanced
17 Capacity of teachers and supervisors on assessments and examinations developed
18 Child centered school language policy developed
19 Courses on education in pandemics like COVID 19 introduced in the pre service teacher education
20 CPD linked to promotion
21 Curriculum and textbooks are aligned
22 Curriculum Implementation Framework developed
23 Curriculum implemented for all grades
24 Enhanced research on child welfare and development
25 Ensure congruence and complementarity across various assessments and examinations
26 Facilities of day care centre set up in secondary and higher secondary schools
27 Formal role of DOE(S) in teacher professional development introduced
28 Gaps in the current standards regime identified 100% of the standards implemented
29 Head teachers and other supervisors trained on mentoring and support functions
30 Head teachers trained in teacher evaluations
31 Heightened awareness among teachers and students on negative impact of corporal punishment
32 Heightened awareness on child health and welfare in communities and among policymakers and implementers
33 ICT based education included in the pre service teacher training
34 Improved inclusiveness in school’s social and physical environment
35 Improved safety in school buildings and facilities
36 Increase in awareness in communities on positive attitudes towards children with special needs
37 Induction trainings introduced for new recruits
38 Institutionalised feedback to pre-service teacher education institutions
39 Long term teacher recruitment plan prepared and operationalised
40 Measures against bullying in schools introduced
41 Mechanism to utilise results of diagnostic assessments in system improvement developed
42 Number of female teachers of science, mathematics and languages enhanced
43 Operational standards to ensure implementation of those set by NACTE developed
44 Processes in the conduct of BBISE examinations improved
45 Provincial assessment framework prepared and implemented
46 Provincial curriculum framework developed Scheme of Studies revised Curriculum revised
47 Quality ECE in 20% of the schools
48 Quota system introduced in public institutions for refugee children
49 Recruitment rules revised to encourage better qualified personnel
50 Recruitment testing process improved
51 Refugee girls’ enrolment in refugee schools increased
52 Regular and organised peer learning sessions in schools and at cluster levels
53 Regular feedback to, and engagement with HEC, on pre-service teacher education
54 Regular formative and summative assessments included in the school accountability framework
55 Regular health check-ups and counselling implemented
56 Responses to emergencies included in the curriculum
57 Revamped CPD implemented
58 Revised career and promotion structures
59 School conditions in refugee camps improved
60 Schooling options expanded for children with special needs
61 Single Teacher primary schools reduced
62 Specialised data collection methods for special children implemented
63 Standards on Textbooks developed 100% of the standards implemented
64 Strengthened legal framework for child’s right and protection
65 Teacher feedback incorporated in review of learning inputs and policies of student welfare
66 Teacher feedback mechanism utilised for textbooks improvement
67 Teachers and students are prepared for more analytical questions in examinations
68 Teachers are trained on child/learner friendly approaches
69 Teachers are trained on new textbooks
70 Teachers informed on COVID 19 and necessary response to it
71 Teachers oriented on new curriculum
72 Teachers trained in identification of learning difficulties or disabilities among students
73 Teachers trained on child friendly approaches
74 Teachers’ feedback in policy changes ensured
75 Teachers’ work conditions improved
76 Textbook development capacity in the province enhanced
77 Textbook in Pashto and Dari for primary level developed
78 (blank)
79 Provincial education policy approved
80 Curriculum and Standards Act introduced All existing statues reviewed
81 Rules notified for all acts related to provision of education
82 PPIU’s policy development and legislative drafting capacity improved
83 Standardised format for AOP approved ADPs aligned with AOP
84 Donor plans and projects aligned with BESP
85 All horizontal and vertical tiers are involved in education planning
86 Quarterly supervision and monitoring of development projects of SED ensured
87 Result-based management system established Formal coordination mechanism established
88 Result-based management system established Formal coordination mechanism established M&E strategy approved Percentage of M&E strategy implemented
89 Integrated HR policy approved
90 Specialised HR Unit established
91 HRMIS revised and upgraded HRMIS utilised
92 Teaching cadre personnel posted as managers trained in managerial skills
93 Private schools regulatory framework standardised, institutionalised and disseminated
94 Strategy for engaging the private sector under PPP mode developed PPP node established in SED
95 Composition and functions of DEA and DEG revised
96 Effectiveness of DEA and DEG improved
97 Cluster-based management strengthened and made more inclusive
98 Efficiency of cluster-based procurement improved
99 School-based improvement and operational plans developed and implemented
100 PTSMCs made functional LECs made functional
101 Gender-sensitivity promoted across the value chain of education delivery
102 Work environment made more gender-friendly
103 High-level accountability mechanisms improved and consolidated
104 Participation of communities in monitoring of education improved at all tiers of governance
105 Grievance redressal mechanisms strengthened and aligned with other complaint reporting mechanisms at the federal and provincial level
106 Communication strategy implemented
107 Public access to information improved at all levels
108 Political leadership sensitised about the technicalities of education service delivery
109 Standing Committee on Education engaged
110 Female participation increased
111 Mapping study conducted
112 Plan developed to establish TVET institutes
113 Province wide outreach campaigns launched through various media and community mobilisation
114 Equipment provided to trainees to continue working in different trade
115 MoUs signed with the private sector for projects in PPP mode
116 In-service training program revamped following a CPD approach
117 Teacher training content revised
118 Professionals are engaged by TVET to train the students
119 Training facilities upgraded as per market need
120 Entrepreneurship skills development program developed
121 Enrollment in market driven and non traditional trades increased
122 Career counselling function strengthened
123 Institutional mechanism for industry attachment developed
124 CBT courses developed and adopted
125 Market assessment studies conducted
126 Institutional capacity of BTEVTA strengthened
127 Quality standards are developed and quality assurance system put in place
128 Data need analysis conducted
129 Data frameworks revised
130 Required data collected
131 Data on private schools and madrassas is regularly collected
132 All existing data digitised
133 All data are bases rolled out and linked
134 Standardised framework developed
135 Data analysed according to the standardised framework
136 EMIS and PPIU undertake regular data analyses
137 Sensitisation on use of data enhanced among officers of the Department and education policy makers
138 Increased use of data in decision making
139 Capacity developed in policy, planning and service delivery
140 Rules mandating use of data notified
141 Increased use of research in decision making
142 Enhanced research on education
143 Capacity for research in the education system enhanced
144 Rules mandating use of research notified
145 Participation opportunities for primary age children in formal education expanded
146 Participation opportunities for post primary age children expanded
147 Enrollment drives organised to increase enrollment in schools
148 Gender disparity on access and participation reduced by 50% in high disparity districts
149 Primary Schools are gradually converted to gender free schools
150 Increased female enrolment in primary schools
151 Enhanced MHM awareness
152 WASH facilities provided in girls schools Reduced absence of female students
153 Transport schemes for female students implemented on a pilot basis
154 Girls’ participation improved
155 Enhanced opportunities for participation of girls in sports at schools
156 Demand side barriers to education, especially, continued female education reduced
157 Awareness sessions on existing scholarships schemes regularly conducted in schools
158 Meal program developed and implemented
159 Awareness on continued female education improved
160 Communities engaged to increase in take at the right age in early childhood programs/grade 1
161 Communities engaged to increase in take at the right age in early childhood programs/grade 2
162 Communities engaged to increase in take at the right age in early childhood programs/grade 3
163 Capacity of Directorate of Literacy and NFE for implementation enhanced
164 Status of DLNFE decided
165 Formal linkages with Department of Secondary Education institutionalised
166 Capacity of quality organisations to develop NFE products developed
167 Capacity of PITE to support trainings in NFE programs built
168 Accreditation system for NFE programs implemented
169 Skill education included in the NFE / ALP graduates adult literacy programs
170 Awareness on NFE enhanced
171 Number of out of school children reduced
172 Percentage of NFE centres with children under 9 years of age reduced
173 Community mobilised for enhanced participation in NFE programs
174 Female enrolment in NEF increased
175 Adult literacy program in prioritised districts implemented
176 Female teachers hired for NFE programs
177 Number of specialists in NFE increased
178 Number of teachers trained in NFE enhanced
179 Need based curricula of NFE as per local needs developed
180 Relevant learning material developed
181 Standards for NFE notified
182 NFE assessment and examination system implemented
183 Equivalence system for continuation into technical and vocation education institutionalised
184 NFE participants receive career counselling
185 Video based lessons for secondary and higher secondary classes available
186 Video based lessons for early grades on literacy and numeracy based on revised scheme of studies available
187 Video based lessons for middle grades based on revised scheme of studies available
188 Radio based lessons available
189 Physical schooling options resumed in low risk areas with precautionary measures and SOPs
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