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BESP Bibliography

BESP Bibliography

BESP Bibliography

1. “Child Friendly School Manual”, Unicef
2. “Brain Development Transcripts”, The Science of Early Child Development (2nd Edition)
3. Policy Analysis Report for Balochistan (1st Draft, 22nd August 2011)
4. Policy Analysis of Education in Balochistan, 28th November 2011
5. Balochistan Education Sector Plan 2013-18
6. The Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1977
7. Targets SDG4
8. National curriculum
9. Pakistan country Report (ECE/ECD in Pakistan)
10. Improving School Leadership (Volume 1)
11. Balochistan Pass Fail Report
12. Sindh Education Sector Plan 2014-18
13. Early Childhood Care and Education Policy 2015
14. Sindh Curriculum Implementation Framework (CIF-2014)
15. Sindh Education Profile 2015-16
16. The Sindh School Education Standards and Curriculum ACT 2014, Sindh ACT No. IX of 2015
17. Self-efficacy Questionnaire for Children
18. Teacher Self-efficacy Scale
19. Public Sector Development Program (Sector wise) (PSDP 2018-19) 20. Budget Analysis 2014-15
21. Budget Analysis 2015-16
22. Budget Analysis 2016-17
23. Balochistan Budget 2018-19
24. Needs Assessment Study
25. Framework System Approach for Better Education Results (June 2014)
26. Global Alliance to Monitor Learning Theory of Change 2017
27. The Data Revolution in Education, UNESCO (March 2017)
28. Enabling Environments Standards Document 2015
29. Enabling Environments Standards 2013
30. Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines (Volume 1)
31. Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines (Volume 2)
32. Education in Emergencies
33. Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction
34. Education in Emergencies (A Resource Tool Kit)
35. School Safety Action Plan
36. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
37. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
38. Balochistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010, MICS 2010
39. Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM 2014-15)
40. Dissemination of National Achievement Test (NAT) Findings 2016-17
41. National Assessment Report 2016
42. Balochistan Education Statistics 2016-17
43. UNICEF Education Strategy (2019-2030)
44. Needs Assessment Report
45. Training Needs Assessment of Public School Teachers in Balochistan (A Baseline Study)
46. EMIS School Data 2014-15
47. EMIS School Data 2015-16
48. EMIS School Data 2016-17
49. EMIS School Data 2017-18
50. EMIS School Data 2018-19
51. National Assessment 2016, Report 1
52. National Achievement Testing (NAT) 2016-17
53. District Wise census Results, Census 2017
54. Provisional Summary Results of 6th Population and Housing Census-2017
55. National Curriculum Framework Pakistan
56. Health, Nutrition, WASH and child Protection in the Curriculum of pre-service Teachers’ Training in Balochistan
57. BESP Implementation Assessment Final Report
58. Inter-Agency Regional Analysts Network, Stunting in Pakistan 2030
59. Balochistan Public Service Commission, Annual report 2017
60. Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment, Pakistan Balochistan Province (May 2007)
61. Balochistan: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA), Performance Assessment Report, April 2017
62. UNICEF Annual report 2013
63. Menstrual Hygiene Management for Schoolgirls in Pakistan
64. Top 10 Reasons to Support Girls’ Education
65. Pakistan Education Statistics 2016-17
66. Generating and Validating Growth and Obesity Roadmaps for the Pakistani Children
67. Budget Cluster Wise 2019-20
68. RTSM Final Booklet
69. Quick Guide to Education Indicators for SDG 4
70. The Balochistan Compulsory and Fee Education Ordinance, 2013
71. Balochistan Non-Formal Education (NFE) Policy 2016-2030
72. National Education Sector Development Plan: A Result Based Planning Handbook – UNESCO
73. EMIS HR Profile Census 2017-18
74. EMIS School Profile 2017-18
75. Change from 2017-18 School Profile
76. Change from 2017-18 Student Profile
77. Change from 2017-18 Teacher Profile
78. Situation Analysis for Balochistan Education Sector Plan
79. BBISE Results of Class 9th and Class 10th 2019
80. BAEC 2017-18 report Winter and Summer
81. Accountability in Education 2017-18
82. 3 JAFFERY NFC Awards Commentary and Agenda
83. Capacity Development Program 2014 (Textbook Distribution)
84. Capacity Development Program 2014 (Examination and Assessments: Quality Management Framework)
85. cap
86. Capacity Development Program 2014 (Balochistan Education Management Information System (BEMIS))
87. Capacity Development Program 2014 (Continuous Professional Development Balochistan)
88. Capacity Development Program 2014 (Policy planning and Implementation Unit)
89. Teacher Deployment in Balochistan Report
90. Situation Analysis Pre-Policy study of Non-Formal Education, Balochistan, June 2016
91. BAEC Act 2016
92. Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Report, Pakistan Floods 2012
93. National Nutrition Survey 2018
94. The Education Sector Annual Performance Report 2016
95. Early Grade Reading Assessment Balochistan 2017
96. Compendium on Gender Statistics of Pakistan 2019
97. The Balochistan Delegation of Financial Powers and Re-Appropriation Rules, 2019
SDG 4 Data Digest, How to Produce and Use the Global and Thematic Education Indicators
99. Balochistan board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Quetta SSC annual Examination 2014 (10th)
100. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2007-08
101. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2008-09
102. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2009-10
103. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2010-11
104. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2011-12
105. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2012-13
106. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2013-14
107. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2014-15
108. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2015-16
109. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2016-17
110. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2017-18
111. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2018-19
112. Annual Budget Statements, (Finance Department Government of Balochistan) Year 2019-20
113. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan)
114. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2007-08
115. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2008-09
116. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2009-10
117. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2010-11
118. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2011-12
119. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2012-13
120. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2013-14
121. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2014-15
122. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2015-16
123. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2016-17
124. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2017-18
125. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan)
126. Annual Budget Statements, (Federal Ministry of Finance Government of Pakistan) Year 2019-20
127. Pakistan National Education Response and Resilience Plan (K-12) for COVID-19, May 2020, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan

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