Balochistan Education Sector Plan Activities
1 Prepare awareness session and training program on COVID 19 though ICT and other medium
2 Identify issues and challenges in the curriculum
3 A separate unit of research on child welfare and development be set up in the Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Centre
4 Amend BAEC Act to remove the mandatory requirement of certification from BAEC for appearance in BBISE examinations
5 Assess and identify; teacher needs for the next 20 years, supply side constraints and include expansion of supply of quality teachers over time, and limitations of recruitment of quality teachers at the local level
6 Assess the current logistical processes of BBISE examinations
7 Assess work condition of schools for issues relevant to teachers including provision of basic facilities
8 Balochistan Assessment and Examinations Commission to prepare and implement a plan for engagement with teachers and students to help them prepare for more analytical questions
9 Conceptualise and develop an index on child welfare
10 Conceptualise and prepare curriculum implementation framework
11 Conduct a gap analysis study to identify the alignment issue between curriculum and textbooks
12 Coordination with the federal government and development partners to mobilise support and resources
13 Create awareness on bullying and its negative impacts
14 Create engagement and training processes for prospective authors, reviewers and illustrators
15 Design and include child friendly approaches in the teacher training programe
16 Develop a formal coordination mechanism between PITE and DOE(S) that identifies their respective roles in teacher professional development
17 Develop a school accountability framework that includes quality in-school assessments as a regular feature (strategy under governance) and indicators on conduct of formative assessments
18 Develop a teacher awareness campaign and training plan based on research attitudinal causes of corporal punishment
19 Develop an advocacy campaign
20 Develop guidelines for head teachers and other supervisors to organise peer learning sessions based on local needs
21 Develop mechanisms for feedback from teachers on policies related to them.
22 Develop mechanisms for feedback from teachers on textbooks, curriculum, assessments, school conditions and student needs.
23 Develop parameters for inclusiveness in schools which include: acceptance of socio-ethnic and religious diversity, gender approaches, accommodation of children with special needs
24 Develop rules for Child Protection Act to clarify role of SED
25 Develop rules for linking CPD to promotions
26 Document gaps in the current standards regime
27 Document gaps in the current standards regime in view of NACTE needs
28 Document gaps in the current standards regime to the context of Balochistan
29 Engage with communities and spread awareness to help them improve their sanitary conditions at home & street, open toilets and ignorance of hygiene practices, with support of a health specialist
30 Engage with community on refugee girls’ education
31 Engage with Higher Education Commission to agree on a feedback and engagement process on pre-service teacher education between SED, universities in Balochistan and HEC.
32 Engage with pre-service teacher education institutions, including, elementary colleges and universities to agree on a feedback mechanism
33 Engage with Universities/HEC to introduce specialisation in assessments & Examination in M.Ed
34 Engage with Universities/HEC to introduce specialisation in curriculum in M.Ed
35 Form a committee to review recruitment rules to include advantages for better qualified personnel
36 Form and notify teachers’ committees for feedback on textbooks
37 Hold seminars and training sessions on curriculum with officials and paper setters of BBISE
38 Identify areas of coordination with the Department of Health/PPHI that include: regular health screenings with special provisions for adolescent girls based on nutritional needs like iron and calcium and teacher awareness. Develop and notify a protocol for regular screenings
39 Identify data needs and capacity for information on children with special needs
40 Identify minimum needs for science, mathematics and language teachers for rural female schools
41 Identify needs and feasibility of establishing day care centres in Schools
42 Include ICT based education approaches in coordination with the universities and colleges offering education degrees in the pre service teacher training
43 Include response to potential emergencies faced by Balochistan in the curriculum
44 Increase advocacy for quality ECE among decision makers
45 Initiate consultation with HEC. universities and colleges offering education degrees and development partners to include courses on education in pandemics like COVID
46 Make rules for mandatory periodic diagnostic assessments
47 Prepare a plan for training of head teachers and other supervisors on mentoring and support through PITE
48 Prepare a plan to reduce single teacher schools at primary level
49 Prepare and approve policy on quota system in public institutions for refugee children for secondary onwards
50 Prepare material on identification of learning difficulties or disabilities
51 Prepare rules for induction trainings
52 Prepare specialised SOPs in close consultation with Department of Health for conducting examinations
53 Prepare structured training program on new textbooks including addendums/pamphlets developed for grade 1 to 12 on COVID 19.
54 Prepare training material on child/learner friendly approaches
55 Review and revise standards of school safety, ensuring they include mandatory trainings, school safety plans and equipment
56 Review the career and promotion structures of teachers to encourage professionalism
57 Review the current assessments systems in detail for weaknesses and gaps
58 Review the current CPD for improvements through consultations between DOE(S) and PITE
59 Review the current testing processes and tools in consultation with the testing body
60 Review the existing capacity development plan
61 Review the existing capacity development plan for PITE
62 Review the existing capacity development plan of BAEC
63 Review the existing capacity development plan of BOC&EC
64 Review the pay scales of primary teachers to attract better quality human resource
65 Set up a committee with S&GAD to review the impact of additional duties on teacher effectiveness and prepare alternative plans
66 Train supervisors on assessments and examinations through BAEC and PITE
67 Under take capacity assessment of Directorate of Special Education and its institutions
68 Undertake a stakeholder engagement through seminars, media discussions and political debates for a debate on school language policy
69 Undertake a survey on attitudes in society towards cheating and the causes for the same
70 Undertake capacity assessment of BTBB
71 Undertake research to identify needs of children entering school in terms of language endowments, psycho-social development and other aspects including possible learning hours in schools
72 Undertake training needs assessments
73 Design orientation program on new curriculum including content developed for grade 1 to 12 on COVID 19.
74 Approve Rules
75 BAEC to engage Balochistan Textbook Board and BBISE to review assessment exercises in textbooks
76 Based on the agreement notify the feedback mechanism that includes inputs from teachers
77 Based on the survey include awareness on negative impacts of cheating in the communication strategy of SED
78 Collate the local plans and prepare provincial plan
79 Conduct awareness sessions and trainings on COVID 19
80 Conduct training of teachers
81 Create awareness on criterion among teachers, head teachers and communities
82 Design and conduct district wise sample based house hold survey to collect data
83 Develop a capacity development plan for Directorate of Special Education and its institutions
84 Develop a long term plan for teacher recruitment
85 Develop a long term plan to recruit more qualified teachers for primary
86 Develop a plan for expansion of ECEs in primary schools
87 Develop a plan, inclusive of capacity building, on data collection
88 Develop a provincial assessment framework to remove the gaps and align the various assessments and examinations
89 Develop a training plan
90 Develop a training program for teachers on inclusiveness and implement through PITE and conduct bi-annual seminars on inclusiveness in schools for students and teachers
91 Develop and implement trainings for prospective authors, reviewers and illustrators
92 Develop and sign an agreement accordingly
93 Develop induction trainings
94 Develop inputs and process standards for teacher pre-service teacher education institutions at input and process level
95 Develop model papers and field test them to review current student capacity
96 Develop new standards for all types of assessments and examinations at input and process level including certification of paper setters for BBISE
97 Develop new standards for textbooks development and review at input and process level including mandatory field testing of textbooks
98 Develop processes in SED and DOE(S) to implement the relevant sections
99 Disseminate results of diagnostic assessments to a wide set of stakeholders
100 Engage a local academic institution or research organisation to conduct research on school language policy suited to the needs of Balochistan
101 Engage with higher education institutions, public service commission and other employers for identifying needs for secondary school competencies at exit on grade 12
102 Engage with policy makers and implementers to develop a need based diagnostic assessment framework
103 Engage with the Federal Government on the revision of curriculum on the basis of needs identified
104 Engage with the Federal Government to revise the existing standards for curriculum review and development
105 Explore and introduce scholarships for assessment specialisation
106 Explore and introduce scholarships for curriculum specialisation
107 Facilitate development of textbooks in Pashto and Dari for primary level in a phased manner
108 Hold meetings of committees to provide feedback on textbooks twice a year
109 Identify additional professional development responsibilities of DOE(S) beyond teacher training
110 Identify causes for the gaps
111 Identify representative set of teachers for feedback (through surveys or FGDs).
112 Implement on an ongoing basis
113 Implement teacher training through PITE and DOE(S).
114 Implement the Plan phase wise
115 Implement the policy on the quota system in all public sector institutions
116 Include lessons creating awareness on negative impact of corporal punishment in middle and secondary school curricula and textbooks
117 Integrate aspects of child/learner friendly approaches into teachers regular training under CPD model
118 Introduce measures against bullying and include lessons creating awareness on negative impact of bullying in middle and secondary school curricula and textbooks
119 Make specialised seating and safety arrangements
120 Mandate schools to engage with the community via effective communication process of PTSMC
121 Mobilise support to introduce targeted measures
122 Negotiate with Pre-service teacher education institutions to expand specialised programs for science, mathematics and languages
123 Notify the new standards
124 Orientation sessions on CIF
125 Prepare a capacity development plan for BTBB based on review
126 Prepare a plan for additional duties to ensure children do not suffer in term of teaching time
127 Prepare a remedial plan
128 Prepare a revised capacity development plan for BBISE based on review
129 Prepare a revised capacity development plan for BOC&EC based on review
130 Prepare a revised plan
131 Prepare a revised plan jointly signed off by DOE(S) and PITE
132 Prepare and implement plan for in school teacher trainings on child health issues.
133 Prepare annual report based on the reporting on assessments through the School Accountability Framework
134 Prepare plan to remove loopholes that facilitate cheating
135 Prepare specialised course material on education in pandemics
136 Prepare training material and master trainers
137 Propose changes
138 Provide separate funds for the research
139 Review the guidelines in consultation with teachers
140 Revise existing rules to make this feedback mandatory
141 Revise recruitment rules
142 Revise the career and promotion structures in consultation with teachers
143 Situation analysis to devise plan of action
144 Train Teachers on assessment and examination through BAEC/PITE
145 Training of Master Trainers
146 Prepare plans for establishment of day care centres in Secondary and Higher Secondary schools
147 III Reports on formative assessments in schools
148 Admit children, based on the criterion, to regular schools.
149 Based on the above develop a provincial curriculum framework and scheme of studies aligned with the federal curriculum framework where the former includes a learning path suited to children in Balochistan.
150 Conduct diagnostic assessments based on needs
151 Conduct orientation sessions on new curriculum at the district level
152 Develop a long term communication strategy including the use of media, seminars, etc. to create awareness amongst communities, policy makers and implementers on the importance of school readiness for learning
153 Develop a progressive plan to improve coverage of curriculum in examination papers and progressive shift to analytical questions based on the baseline derived from model paper testing
154 Document and disseminate the findings
155 Document the feedback and use in systemic improvements in learning inputs and students
156 Document the feedback for use in improvements in textbooks
157 Draft a Child’s Rights Act based on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and advocate promulgation of the Act
158 Each relevant organisation to prepare a plan and make adjustments in all existing plans for improvement of learning based on the result of diagnostic assessments
159 Engage with a research organisation or academia for ongoing research
160 Engage with pre-service teachers education institutions to improve of quality of courses on assessments
161 Engage with the federal government to ensure child centered school language policy is developed
162 Ensure timely implementation of recruitment in a phased mannered
163 Facilitate implementation of the plan with partners’ support
164 Implement awareness plan and undertake periodic reviews of impact
165 Implement CIF activities in a phased manner
166 Implement revised standards phase wise including in private schools
167 Implement the capacity development plan
168 Implement the changes in the tools and processes
169 Implement the curriculum phase wise
170 Implement the framework periodically
171 Implement the plan
172 Implement the plan phase wise
173 Implement the plan phase wise based on doability in specific districts
174 Implement the standards
175 Implement the trainings
176 Notify revised rules
177 Notify the changes in official rules.
178 Notify the new career and promotion structures
179 Orientation sessions for teachers on new textbooks through a cascade model
180 Prepare a plan for in school teacher trainings on child health issues
181 Prepare and distribute handbooks for teachers and students (especially adolescent girls)
182 Prepare teacher guides on assessments
183 Provide additional incentives for specialists in employment
184 Provide annual feedback through the institutionalised mechanism
185 Provide scholarships for specialisation to candidates within and outside the government and additional incentives for specialists in employment
186 Provide scholarships to females from rural areas to participate in these programs
187 Re-plan examination schedule and conduct in line with safety arrangements against COVID 19
188 Revise and implement school building codes to ensure inclusiveness in structures
189 Revise existing rules to make this feedback mandatory
190 Revise SOPs for textbook development to ensure alignment between curriculum and textbooks
191 Special measures introduced with support from development partners
192 Take periodic surveys
193 Training of all teachers on child/learner friendly approaches
194 Undertake biannual surveys on prevalence of corporal punishment to measure progress
195 Undertake regular feedback and engagement with HEC
196 Implement the plan in a phased manner
197 IV. Notify, implement and monitor guidelines for peer learning sessions
198 Develop and approve a provincial education policy
199 Introduce the required statute on curriculum and standards
200 Constitute a Committee to review existing legislations and implement its recommendations
201 Constitute Committee(s) to develop and notify rules for statutes that currently lack them
202 Organise training workshops for PPIU on policy development and legislative drafting on an ongoing basis
203 Notify Provision of hiring of legal expert on need basis to work with PPIU
204 Introduce rules to mandate development of rolling Annual Operational Plans (AOPs) in the light of BESP
205 Notify an inclusive Committee within SED to finalize AOP and review progress on it periodically
206 Develop AOPs as per a standardised and approved format and ensure all proposals for cooperation and engagement with donors, NGO and private sector are aligned with AOP
207 IV. Mandate the DSC to ensure that the proposals submitted for Annual Development Plans (ADP) or PSDP flow from and are aligned with AOP
208 Disseminate BESP 2020-25 to donors
209 Amend the notification on PPIU to empower it to review donor proposals for alignment with BESP
210 Present donor proposals for approval at the competent forum only after confirmation of alignment with BESP
211 Make it mandatory for the DEO to solicit proposals for development budget from clusters within their jurisdiction, and for the Directorate of Education (Schools) to solicit proposals for development budget from the district tier
212 Revise the composition of DSC to make heads of all attached departments its member
213 Require SED to obtain and review PC-III forms for each development project on a quarterly basis
214 Mandate divisional directors to supervise progress on development schemes and share progress reports with SED on quarterly basis
215 Introduce the rules to mandate all attached departments of SED to develop annual work plans
216 Ensure that annual work plans are developed by each attached department and approved by its head
217 Require Heads of attached departments to organise bi-monthly meetings to review progress against work plans and Secretary SED to hold quarterly progress reviews
218 Constitute and notify a committee for coordination among the attached departments of SED
219 Develop and approve an M&E strategy for the entire education system and its sub-systems
220 Implement the M&E strategy at all levels
221 Identify clear objectives for HR management and development and review existing policies and rules against them
222 Develop and approve an integrated HR policy (and rules) aligned with the objectives
223 Develop a proposal for establishing a specialised unit as per needs of the HR policy
224 Get the proposal approved
225 Setup the specialised unit
226 Establish a specialised unit within SED to manage human resource
227 Review, revise and upgrade the existing HRMIS based on needs of the HR policy
228 Introduce rules to mandate the specialised HR unit to use HRMIS
229 Design and develop managerial training program for teaching cadre personnel posted as managers
230 Introduce induction trainings for teaching cadre personnel at the time of first posting on managerial position
231 Conduct managerial trainings of all existing staff posted as managers and organise follow up trainings after every three years
232 Develop a strategic framework for regulating private schools in consultation with representatives of private schools and community
233 Discard the draft Balochistan Private Educational Institutions Registration, Regulation and Promotion Bill 2019 and instead review 2015 Act
234 Develop rules for operationalisation of the revised act
235 IV. Designate or create a specialised unit within the DOE(s) to oversee implementation of the regulatory framework
236 Establish a PPP node in SED in line with the provisions of the Balochistan Public Private Partnership Act 2018
237 Organise training workshops with all attached departments of SED to sensitise them on the role of PPPs in education
238 Develop, and implement, a strategy for engaging private sector under PPP mode across the value chain of education delivery
239 Review and modify the functions of DEA and DEG to remove overlap and ensure alignment with respective mandates
240 Revisit composition of DEA to strengthen the role of DEO
241 Notify guidelines for rationalising the size and composition of clusters keeping in view factors such as geographic proximity and fair distribution of responsibilities
242 Require DEOs to revisit cluster composition only once in 2 years
243 Amend the notification on Clusters to make the disbursement of cluster-budget conditional upon the existence of Local Education Purchase Committees
244 Develop and notify a well-thought-out formula for the distribution of allocated funds among clusters and among feeder schools within clusters
245 Amend the notification on Clusters to empower cluster heads to re-appropriate budget from one to another head
246 Develop and approve a standardised format for school improvement plans
247 Notify rules to mandate heads of middle and high schools to develop and implement annual school improvement plans
248 Notify fresh elections for the constitution of PTSMCs in all schools
249 Notify LECs in all clusters
250 Hold DEOs accountable for the formation of LECs
251 Develop a strategy for mainstreaming gender-sensitivity across the value chain of education delivery
252 Train and sensitise officials of the SED on gender-sensitive management and work place anti-harassment rules
253 Head hunting for competent female managers who can be posted at senior positions
254 Establish day-care centres for female employees in SED and its attached departments
255 Construct separate toilets for females in SED and its attached departments
256 Notify female focal persons to deal with work place harassment
257 Amend rules to ensure presentation of progress on BESP bi-annually to the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary
258 Notify a high-level forum under the Chairmanship of Secretary SED to review progress quarterly on AOPs and Work Plans
259 Amend the ToRs of Additional Secretary (PPIU) to include the responsibility for holding regular meetings of LEG
260 Amend the ToRs of DEG to hold the DC responsible for regular meetings of DEG
261 Mandate the DEO to hold heads of middle and high schools accountable for meetings of PTSMCs and LECs respectively
262 Develop formal grievance redressal mechanisms at the district level
263 Promote public awareness about Complaint Management System (CMS)
264 Review the CMS to ensure timely follow-up and action on complaints
265 IV. Link CMS with PM Citizen portal and other provincial and federal complaint systems
266 Develop, and implement, a strategy to communicate progress and respond to queries related to education service delivery
267 Publish annual report on issues, reforms and progress of SED for public use
268 Mandate DEOs, cluster heads and school heads to display information related to enrolment, budget utilisation, procurement, number of teachers and development schemes at a prominent place within premises of their offices
269 Publish all education-related approved policies, acts and rules on the website including BESP annual progress reports
270 Publish online the mandatory PC-III forms for each development project on a quarterly basis
271 Design, and implement, an advocacy campaign to engage political leadership
272 Identify education champions among politicians and develop mechanisms to engage them in a sustained manner
273 Mandate Secretary SED to present progress on implementation of BESP the Standing Committee after every 6 months
274 Hold bi-annual open seminars with the committee to discuss on going education reforms and issues
275 Review and analyse entry side barriers and issues
276 Engage communities and employers to address issues
277 Expand training opportunities for females
278 Carry out province wise mapping to identify deficit areas
279 Develop a phased plan to establish/ functionalize TVET institutes in deficit areas
280 Launch campaigns to create awareness in order to change the perception of the community and popularize TVET
281 Make community mobilisation a part of TVET program roll out through engagement and partnership with community based organisations
282 Prepare proposal on provision of equipment for different trades at subsidised rates to trainees
283 Prepare and implement the plan
284 Engage in consultation with the private sector on PPP models and areas of investments
285 Develop and implement plan in a phased manner
286 Sign MoUs for projects
287 Strengthen the in-service trainings through developing a Continuous Professional Development plan for TVET instructors in the short and medium term
288 Carry out TNAs for TVET instructors to develop needs based training programs
289 Revise and update teacher training content to keep pace with technological advancements and market demands including skills to teach entrepreneurship skills
290 Assess requirements of different trades and market in terms of teaching requirements.
291 Formulate a policy to engage high end technical experts as trainers
292 Hiring of professionals by TVET as per policy guidelines
293 Undertake a capacity assessment
294 Develop a capacity development plan
295 Implement the capacity development plan
296 Develop and strengthen career counseling services at the institute level
297 Organise attachment with industries through apprenticeship/ internship/ on-the-job trainings
298 Review / develop new TVET curricula in line with market demand based on CBT approach
299 Adopt CBT courses developed by NAVTTC in TVET institutes
300 Conduct market assessment studies to identify current and future needs of the local markets in different regions of Balochistan
301 Develop B-TVETA by staffing the organisation through filling sanctioned posts
302 Outline role and remit of BTEVTA along with specifying role of different departments responsible for TVET provision in Balochistan
303 Develop a coordination and communication mechanism between the various departments
304 Develop a system, guidelines and mechanisms to implement a quality assurance system for TVET institutions
305 PPIU to identify and document data needs for each organisation and for the overall education system, especially, the requirements of Balochistan Compulsory Education Act 2014, SDG 4 and 5 through engagement with each organisation.
306 PPIU to coordinate with EMIS to review current data frameworks and revise them according to needs
307 PPIU to identify other sources of data where EMIS data is insufficient or not needed
308 Engage with private sector to agree on the data collection details and processes
309 Engage with madrassas through the Home Department to agree on data collection details
310 Collect data on private schools, madrassas and other public sector schools every two years
311 Identify databases that can be digitised and made part of EMIS
312 Digitise all such existing data into EMIS
313 Link to EMIS all digitised databases
314 Improve capacity of BTBB, DOE(S), PITE, BOC&EC and education secretariat to roll out and manage their respective databases to be linked to the central EMIS
315 Roll out respective databases and link them
316 Identify provincial requirements for data analysis in consultation with relevant organisations
317 Engage with the federal government to ensure alignment for provincial, national and international reporting needs
318 Develop a framework based on provincial, national and international requirements
319 Undertake capacity need assessment of EMIS and PPIU
320 Prepare and implement a capacity development plan
321 Develop a sensitisation campaign based on education data and its use
322 Develop data sensitisation modules to be used in seminars and workshops
323 Conduct workshops with officers and policy makers twice a year
324 Undertake a training needs assessment for data use capacity in all organisations
325 Prepare a plan for training officers on use of data
326 Identify areas in planning, monitoring and implementation where data use should be essential
327 Notify rules accordingly
328 Develop a sensitisation campaign based on education research and its use
329 Develop research sensitisation modules to be used in seminars and workshops
330 Set up a research committee with membership from all attachment departments and academia to identify research needs for every 5 years with annual review
331 The committee shall engage with universities to conduct relevant research
332 The committee shall identify resources and set up a research fund to ensure research is pursued in areas identified
333 Operationalise and integrate the research mandates of BOC&EC, PITE, BTBB, BBISE & BAEC and identify capacity gaps as part of overall capacity development plans for these organisations
334 Recognise the importance of linkages between academia and government for research
335 Mandate that have qualified academics to conduct research for the government and its students and teachers to be given recognition for their values and services
336 Identify areas where research use should be essential
337 Where feasible construct more primary schools. prepare district-based feasibility plans for options of expansion of schoolings in 15 districts with lowest NER
338 Prepare proposals for expansion (combining both processes) using multiple options
339 Develop and implement a plan phase wise based on agreed proposal
340 Where feasible construct upgrade schools to middle and secondary levels For remote and low population density areas prepare district based feasibility plans for options of expansion of schoolings
341 Design and plan enrollment drive focusing on community involvement
342 Engage PTSMCs in the enrollment drive
343 Organise enrollment drive in every district and local levels
344 Develop targeted programs for 10 districts with highest gender gaps
345 Prepare programs for enhanced enrolment and retention of girls in these districts
346 Ensure these programs are prioritised in overall access and enrolment plans and targets for implementation
347 Identify schools that can be converted to gender free schools with female teachers only
348 Prepare a plan for conversion of all identified primary schools to gender free (plan to include redeployment of male teachers and new recruitments of female teachers)
349 Survey MHM attitudes and needs in middle and high female schools
350 Provide kits where needed
351 Prepare and implement training plan for teachers and students on MHM in all post primary female schools. Monitor changes in attitudes on a regular basis
352 IV. Prioritise provision of WASH facilities in female middle and secondary schools
353 Research and document issues of transport for middle and secondary schools
354 Explore PPP and other options for provision of transports (flexible)
355 Develop and implement district level transport plans for girls, on a pilot basis
356 Assess the sports situation in girls’ schools
357 Prepare a plan to enhance opportunities
358 Engage a research or academic institution to research the demand side issues in education – especially female enrolments and progress. Prepare and implement plan to address them.
359 Based on the research, implement awareness campaigns to minimise barriers to female education
360 Based on the research enhance political and societal engagement to help minimise demand side barriers that affect children’s school participation
361 Document all scholarship available for children at various level into a single handout
362 Hold seminars at cluster level for awareness of parents and children and distribute handouts in schools
363 Advertise in radio
364 Develop proposals for school meal programs based on local needs and solutions at the union council level and collate all the proposals at the district level
365 Develop a plan that accommodates local solutions
366 Based on the plan provide budgets to clusters for school meal programs
367 Prepare awareness program and material on continued female education
368 Launch awareness program in close participation of local community
369 Develop enrolment targets and plans at the district levels
370 Prepare strategies for community engagement at cluster level to create awareness on enrolment and right age enrolment
371 Implement enrolment drives as per the plan, through the communities, to enroll more children in early grades
372 Assess capacity needs of Directorate of Literacy and NFE including district units
373 Prepare and implement a capacity development plan based on the assessment
374 Prepare a plan for training more personnel in NFE
375 Form the committee to review the feasibility of administrative control issues
376 Implement the recommendations of the committee
377 Identify areas of coordination required to be established between the Directorate of Literacy and NFE and the Department of Secondary Education
378 Form a committee to formalise the linkages including sharing of data
379 Notify mandatory coordination wherever applicable
380 Assess capacity needs of quality organisations (BTBB, BAEC, BOC&EC) for development of NFE programs and products
381 Prepare a capacity development plan based on the assessment
382 Assess capacity needs of PITE for support to NFE programs
383 Sign MoU between NFE and PITE to conduct trainings
384 Develop standards for deliverers of NFE in the government (NFE centres), non-government and private sectors
385 Based on the standards develop an accreditation framework for non-government/ private sector service providers and monitor standards on an ongoing basis
386 Capacitate the Directorate of Literacy and NFE to accredit organisations as per the accreditation framework and monitor on an ongoing basis
387 Identify areas of coordination between the Directorate of Literacy and NFE and BTEVTA, NAVTTC and other TVET/Skill providers to integrate skill education in NFE/ALP programs
388 Develop a high profile awareness campaign on NFE for senior policy makers, civil society and media
389 Implement the campaign
390 Map out of school children at the local level by collecting extensive demographic data that helps in supplying relevant NFE/ ALP program
391 Map the current ongoing program in NFE /ALP and identify potential areas for expansion (geographically and program wise
392 Develop and implement an expansion plan phase wise for the next five years (to target at least 100 percent more participation)
393 Ensure the accreditation mechanism includes stipulation on limiting children in NFBE at the age of 9 or above (with exceptions)
394 Develop a coordination mechanism with formal schools to transfer children below 9 years of age
395 Develop and notify criteria on age limits for NFE centres
396 Develop capacity of the field officers and implementing institutions in community mobilisation
397 Develop community mobilisation plans for enhanced enrolment
398 Engage with non-government and government organisations to introduce post-primary NFE and skill programs
399 Identify target districts
400 Design and implement targeted measures in the local context
401 Mobilise community on female education and NFE opportunities
402 Prioritse districts with low literacy rates
403 Prepare and implement adult literacy programs in prioritised districts
404 Assess requirement of teachers for NFE programs
405 Prepare recruitment plan
406 Prioritise recruitment of female teachers with at least 60% of the total being the target
407 Prepare a plan to increase specialists in NFE/Andragogy
408 Engage with pre-service teacher education institutions and HEC to introduce courses on NFE and adult literacy programs (Andragogy) for teaching, curriculum and material development.
409 Set up and implement scholarship program
410 Institutionalise and operationalise in-service training for NFE teachers’ professional development system jointly with PITE and directorate of Education (Schools)
411 Develop database of teachers to be trained each year
412 Develop and implement the training program
413 Review current curricula
414 Improve existing curricula
415 Develop new curricula based on research and local needs when required
416 Review current learning material
417 Improve the existing learning material according to learning needs of target groups and relevance to provincial curriculum
418 Review standards for NFE
419 Develop revised standards
420 Notify new standards
421 Develop NFE examination and assessment system with BAEC
422 Conduct a pilot assessment
423 Engage with NAVTCC and BTEVTA for development of equivalence
424 Agree on equivalence process
425 Notify equivalence process.
426 Develop career counselling guidelines
427 Train career counsellors for programs
428 Include career counselling in programs
429 In consultation with Pakistan Television design and prepare video based lessons
430 Run video based lessons on air on PTV and online using other medium
431 In consultation with Radio Pakistan design and prepare radio based lessons
432 Run radio based lessons on air on Radio Channels and online using other medium
433 Resume schooling options in areas of low risks with health dept advisory and SOPs
434 Prepare staff and children on safety measures
435 III Ensure safety measures in schools
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