Results Matrix for Learning Design
Results Matrix for Learning Design
Program I.1. Relevant Learning Design
Curriculum –proportion of subjects with revised curriculum (or some other measure to show the curriculum has been implemented) [[ the CIF and other stuff, like % teachers oriented in the new curriculum are output indicators]]
Textbooks - Pupil-textbook ratio for revised textbooks (reflecting updated curriculum), by level and subject At sub-program level we just use aggregated ‘outputs’ as a result of operationalising strategies.
Table 16-2 Result Matrix Learning Design
Indicator |
Baseline |
Target |
source |
Frequency |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
outcome of Learning: Learners proficient in reading and numeracy, with
developed analytical skills and prepared for life and livelihood |
Growth in percentage of
students at Grade 3 and Grade 5 who can read at least at minimum standards Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BAEC (sample based) assessment |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Growth in percentage of students at Grade 3 and Grade 5 who
perform at least at minimum standards in arithmetic Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BAEC (sample based) assessment |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Growth in percentage of
students at Grade 8 who can successfully attempt questions on application Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BAEC (sample based) assessment |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Growth in percentage of
students at Grade 10 who can successfully attempt questions on application Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BBISE exam |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Growth in
percentage of students with minimum B in Secondary examinations Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BBISE exam |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Growth in percentage of
students with minimum B in Higher Secondary examinations Total Female Male |
TBD on the basis of BBISE exam |
15% growth over baseline |
Annual |
Program 1 Learning Design
Program 1 Learning Design
Intermediate outcome I. Provincial learning design relevant to the needs and realities of the child, classroom and life and livelihood
1 Learning Design |
outcome I. Provincial learning design relevant to the needs and realities of
the child, classroom and life and livelihood |
% curriculum of ECE
revised |
- |
100 |
Annual |
% subjects in Primary with
revised curriculum |
- |
50 |
100 |
Annual |
% subjects in Middle with
revised curriculum |
- |
50 |
100 |
Annual |
subjects in Secondary with revised curriculum |
- |
50 |
100 |
Annual |
% of revised textbooks for
Primary used in the classroom77 |
- |
20 |
Annual |
% of revised textbooks for
Middle used in the classroom78 |
- |
33 |
Annual |
% of revised textbooks for
Secondary used in the classroom79 |
- |
50 |
Annual |
Sub-program 1.1 Curriculum
Sub-program 1.1 Curriculum
Intermediate outcome 1.1. Curriculum relevant to the needs and realities of the child, classroom and life and livelihood
1.1 Curriculum |
outcome 1.1. Curriculum relevant to
the needs and realities of the child, classroom and life and livelihood |
Output 1.1.1: The existing standards of curriculum
review / development revised through engagement with the federal government
to make them more relevant and applicable to the context of Balochistan |
% of the standards
implemented |
- |
40 |
90 |
100 |
Quarterly |
Output 1.1.2: Provincial curriculum framework
developed through need analysis |
Provincial curriculum framework developed |
- |
1 |
Once |
Output 1.1.3: Engaged proactively with the Federal
Government on revision of the curriculum on the basis of needs identified |
Plan implementation rate
(%) |
- |
40 |
90 |
100 |
Quarterly |
Output 1.1.4: Engaged with the Federal Government
to child centered school language
policy is developed |
Language policy
implemented |
- |
1 |
Annual |
Output 1.1.5: Response to potential emergencies
faced by Balochistan included in the curriculum |
% curriculum updated on
responses to emergencies |
- |
100 |
Annual |
Output 1.1.6: Capacity of the Bureau of Curriculum
and Extension Centre developed |
Rate of implementation of
CD plan of BoC&EC (%) |
- |
25 |
50 |
75 |
100 |
report |
Quarterly |
Output 1.1.7a: Availability of curriculum
specialists in the market increases Output 1.1.7b: Availability of curriculum
specialists within the government increases |
Additional number of curriculum specialists available in the province |
TBD 80 |
Annual |
Output 1.1.8: Curriculum implementation framework
is developed and implemented |
CIF developed |
0 |
1 |
Annual |
% rate of CIF
implementation |
20% |
30% |
40% |
50% |
Annual |
Output 1.1.9: Teachers trained on new curriculum
at the district level as well as on any further changes in the curriculum |
% of teachers trained on
new curriculum |
0 |
20% |
40% |
60% |
Annual |
Sub Program I.2 Textbooks
Sub Program I.2 Textbooks
Intermediate outcome I.2. Contextually relevant textbooks that help teachers in teaching and students in developing creative and analytical abilities
Program I.2 Textbooks |
outcome I.2. Contextually relevant textbooks that help teachers in teaching
and students in developing creative and analytical abilities |
Output 1.2.1: Curriculum and textbooks aligned |
% textbooks aligned with
the curriculum |
- |
80 |
Annual |
Output 1.2.2: Teacher feedback mechanism for
textbooks developed and in operation |
Implementation rate feedback mechanism (%) |
- |
100 |
Annual |
Output 1.2.3: Standards for textbooks development
and review revised |
% of the standards
implemented |
- |
100 |
Annual |
Output 1.2.4: Capacity of textbook development
enhanced |
Number of potential
authors, reviewers and illustrators trained |
- |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Annual |
Output 1.2.5: Capacity of Balochistan Textbook
Board strengthened |
Rate of implementation of
CD plan of BTBB (%) |
- |
25 |
50 |
75 |
100 |
BTBB report |
Quarterly |
Output 1.2.6: Teachers are trained on all new
textbooks as a mandatory exercise |
% of teachers trained on
new textbooks |
- |
0 |
30% |
50% |
Annual |
% of teachers trained on
new material on COVID 19 |
0 |
100 |
100 |
Annual |
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