Implementation Matrix for Child Care and Welfare
Implementation Matrix for Child Care and Welfare
Table 16-7 Implementation Matrix Child Care and Welfare
Learning |
Goal of Learning : Learners are proficient in
reading and numeracy, develop analytical skills and are prepared for life and
livelihood |
4 – Child Care and Welfare |
Overall Goal 4. Enhance quality of care, support
and inclusion for all children in schooling and community including those
with special needs |
Targets |
Strategies |
Activities |
Timelines |
Cost Million in PKR. |
Responsibility |
Assumptions |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Program 4.1 Child Welfare |
Sub Goal 4.1. Improve child welfare to enhance
their ability to learn |
Enhanced research on child
welfare and development |
4.1.1 Carry out more research on child development based on ecological
conditions in early years before schooling |
A separate unit of research on child welfare and development
be set up in the Bureau of Curriculum and
Extension Centre |
X |
R.C |
II. Provide separate funds for the research |
X |
R.C |
III. Engage with a
research organisation or academia
for ongoing research |
X |
X |
X |
2.28 |
An index on child welfare
developed and district wise data
collected |
4.1.2 Develop an index on
child welfare and measure for
each district every three years |
I. Conceptualise and
develop an index on child welfare |
X |
24.47 |
II. Design and conduct
district wise sample based house hold survey to collect data |
X |
III. Document and
disseminate the findings |
X |
Heightened awareness on
child health and welfare in
communities and among policymakers and implementers |
4.1.3 Create
awareness in communities, policymakers and
implementers on child health and welfare |
I. Engage with communities
and spread awareness to help them
improve their sanitary conditions at home & street, open toilets and
ignorance of hygiene practices, with support of a health specialist |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
24.50 |
DOE(S) |
II. Mandate schools to
engage with the community via effective communication process of PTSMC |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
DOE(S) |
Develop a long term communication strategy including the use of media,
seminars, etc. to create awareness
amongst communities, policy makers and implementers on the importance of
school readiness for learning |
X |
DOE(S) |
Quality ECE in 20% of the
schools |
4.1.4 Expand quality early childhood care and education programs that encourage learning and help in
reducing learning difficulties accumulated by children from poor background |
I. Increase advocacy for
quality ECE among decision makers |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
1.59 |
DOE(S) |
II. Develop a plan for
expansion of ECEs in primary schools |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
III. Implement the plan
phase wise based on doability in specific districts |
X |
X |
X |
Scale Cost |
DOE(S) |
Improved inclusiveness in school’s
social and physical environment |
4.1.5 Introduce measures to improve inclusiveness in school’s social and physical environment |
I. Develop parameters for inclusiveness in schools which include: acceptance of socio- ethnic and religious
diversity, gender
approaches, accommodation of children with special needs |
X |
4.08 |
DOE(S) |
II. Develop a training program for teachers on inclusiveness and implement
through PITE and conduct bi-annual
seminars on inclusiveness in schools
for students and teachers |
X |
X |
X |
X |
III. Revise and implement school
building codes to ensure
inclusiveness in structures |
X |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
Improved safety in school
buildings and facilities |
4.1.6 Revise and implement standards on school safety |
I. Review and revise
standards of school safety, ensuring they include mandatory trainings, school
safety plans and equipment |
X |
2.31 |
DOE(S) |
II. Notify the new standards |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
III. Implement revised
standards phase wise including in private schools |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
Heightened awareness among teachers and students on negative impact of corporal punishment |
Implement measures to eliminate
corporal punishment in schools |
I. Develop a teacher
awareness campaign and training plan based on research attitudinal causes of
corporal punishment |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
10.56 |
DOE(S) |
II. Include lessons
creating awareness on negative impact of corporal punishment in middle and
secondary school curricula and textbooks |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.49 |
III. Undertake biannual
surveys on prevalence of corporal punishment to measure progress |
X |
X |
27.30 |
Measures against bullying
in schools introduced |
4.1.8 Introduce measures
to protect children in school against bullying |
I. Create awareness on
bullying and its negative impacts |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cost Covered above |
DOE(S) |
II. Introduce measures
against bullying and include lessons creating awareness on negative impact of
bullying in middle and secondary school curricula and textbooks |
X |
X |
X |
X |
DOE(S) |
III. Undertake biannual
surveys on prevalence of corporal punishment to measure progress |
X |
X |
X |
Regular health check-ups and |
4.1.9 Develop a coordination mechanism with the Department of Health/PPHI for |
I. Identify areas of
coordination with the Department of Health/PPHI that include: regular health |
X |
X |
0.25 |
DOE(S) |
counselling implemented |
regular health check- ups and teacher counselling |
screenings with special provisions for adolescent
girls based on nutritional needs like iron and calcium and teacher awareness. Develop and notify a protocol for regular
screenings |
III. Prepare a plan for in
school teacher trainings on child health issues |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
II. Prepare and implement
plan for in school teacher trainings on child health issues. |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
III. Prepare and
distribute handbooks for teachers and students (especially adolescent girls) |
X |
X |
X |
5.45 |
Strengthened legal
framework for child’s right and protection |
4.1.10 Strengthen legal
framework for child’s right and protection |
I. Develop rules for
Child Protection Act to clarify role of SED |
X |
X |
0.25 |
II. Develop processes in
SED and DOE(S) to implement the relevant sections |
X |
X |
0.15 |
III. Draft a Child’s Rights Act based on UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child and advocate promulgation of the Act |
X |
X |
0.48 |
4.1.11 Train teachers on child friendly approaches |
I. Design and include
child friendly approaches in the |
X |
trained on child friendly
approaches |
to teaching and student
management within the class and school premises |
teacher training programe |
Costed under CPD |
II. Implement teacher
training through PITE and DOE(S). |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Teachers trained in
identification of learning difficulties or disabilities among students |
4.1.12 Train
teachers in identification of learning
difficulties or disabilities among students |
I. Prepare material on
identification of learning difficulties or disabilities |
X |
Costed under
II. Conduct training of
teachers |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Program 4.2 Children with Special Needs |
Sub Goal 4.2. Ensure the welfare of children with
special needs through provision of education opportunities of quality to all
within regular schools or specialised institutions. |
Specialised data
collection methods for special children implemented |
4.2.1 Develop and
implement specialised data collection methods
for special children |
I. Identify data needs and
capacity for information on children with special needs |
X |
X |
0.26 |
II. Develop a plan,
inclusive of capacity building, on data collection |
X |
0.16 |
III. Implement the plan |
X |
X |
6.55 |
options expanded for children with
special needs |
4.2.2 Expand
schooling options for children with special needs |
I. Identify data needs and
capacity for information on children with special needs |
X |
X |
1.70 |
Expansion will be both in terms of an inclusion
approach in regular schools as well as setting up of special
schools |
Create awareness on criterion among teachers, head teachers and communities |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
9.85 |
III. Admit children, based on the criterion, to regular schools. |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C. |
Capacity for care
and management of special education in Balochistan developed |
4.2.3 Develop capacity for care and management of special education in
Balochistan. |
Under take capacity assessment of
Directorate of Special Education and its institutions |
X |
6.78 |
II. Develop a capacity
development plan for Directorate of Special Education and its institutions |
X |
III. Implement the Plan |
X |
X |
X |
R.C. |
Increase in awareness in communities on positive attitudes towards children with special needs |
4.2.4 Undertake awareness campaigns in communities on improving
attitudes towards children with
special needs |
I. Develop an advocacy
campaign |
X |
0.21 |
II. Implement on an ongoing
basis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
7.00 |
III. Take periodic surveys |
X |
X |
1.24 |
Program 4.3 Afghan Refugee Children |
Sub Goal 4.3. Ensure quality education for all
refugee children. |
School conditions in
refugee camps improved |
4.3.1 Improve school conditions in refugee camps |
I. Coordination with the
federal government and development partners
to mobilise support and resources |
X |
II. Situation analysis to
devise plan of action |
X |
7.5 |
III. Facilitate implementation of the plan
with partners’ support |
X |
X |
X |
X |
4.3.2 Develop textbooks in Pashto |
I. Coordination with the
federal government and development partners
to |
X |
Textbook in Pashto and
Dari for primary level developed |
and Dari for refugee children |
mobilise support and
resources |
II. Facilitate development of textbooks in Pashto and Dari for
primary level in a phased manner |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Refugee girls’ enrolment in refugee schools increased |
4.3.3 Increase refugee girls’ participation in
refugee schools |
I. Engage with community
on refugee girls’ education |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mobilise support to introduce targeted
measures |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Special measures introduced with support from development
partners |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Quota system
introduced in public institutions for
refugee children |
4.3.4 Allot quota in
public institutions for refugee children for secondary onwards |
I. Prepare and approve
policy on quota system in public institutions for refugee children for
secondary onwards |
X |
RC |
II. Implement the policy
on the quota system in all public sector institutions |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
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