Implementation Matrix – Governance and Management
Implementation Matrix – Governance and Management
Governance and Management
Program 7 – Governance and Management
Overall Goal 7. To promote better governance and management for a more efficient, effective, inclusive and accountable education service delivery
Table 16-13 Implementation Matrix - Governance and Management
7 – Governance and Management |
Overall Goal 7. To promote better governance and
management for a more efficient, effective, inclusive and accountable
education service delivery |
Targets |
Strategies |
Activities |
Timelines |
Cost Million in PKR. |
Responsibility |
Assumptions |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Program 7.1 Comprehensive policy and legal framework |
Sub Goal 7.1. Develop a comprehensive policy and
legal framework to guide the provision of education service |
Provincial education
policy approved |
7.1.1 Improve education
policy framework |
I. Develop and approve a provincial education policy |
X |
5.99 |
Curriculum and Standards
Act introduced All existing statues reviewed |
7.1.2 Strengthen legislative
framework to meet the requirements of effective education delivery |
I. Introduce the required
statute on curriculum and standards |
X |
1.12 |
BoC |
II. Constitute a Committee
to review existing legislations
and implement its
recommendations |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Rules notified
for all acts related to provision of education |
7.1.3 Develop rules for all
education- related statutes to guide effective implementation |
I. Constitute Committee(s) to develop
and notify rules for statutes that currently lack them |
X |
X |
X |
0.77 |
PPIU’s policy development and
legislative drafting |
7.1.4 Improve capacity of
SED to review |
I. Organise training workshops for PPIU on policy development and |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
4.26 |
capacity improved |
policy and legal frameworks |
legislative drafting on an
ongoing basis |
Notify Provision of hiring
of legal expert on need basis to work with PPIU |
Program 7.2 Better Planning |
Sub Goal 7.2. Promote systemic, need-based and
inclusive planning to improve the efficiency of education delivery |
Standardised format for
AOP approved ADPs aligned with AOP |
7.2.1 Ensure structured
and systematic implementation of BESP |
I. Introduce rules to mandate development of rolling Annual Operational Plans
(AOPs) in the light of BESP |
X |
0.39 |
II. Notify an inclusive Committee within
SED to finalize AOP and review progress on it periodically |
X |
Develop AOPs as per a standardised and approved format and ensure all
proposals for
cooperation and engagement with donors, NGO and private sector are aligned
with AOP |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Make P&DD co-
signatory of the development component of
AoP |
IV. Mandate the DSC to
ensure that the proposals submitted for Annual Development Plans (ADP) or PSDP flow from and are aligned
with AOP |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Conduct need- assessment
studies and develop five- year plans for
curriculum development, teacher training, school construction |
Donor plans and projects
aligned with BESP |
7.2.2 Align donor plans and projects with BESP |
I. Disseminate BESP
2020-25 to donors |
X |
X |
0.78 |
Amend the notification on PPIU to empower it to review donor proposals for alignment with BESP |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
III. Present donor proposals for approval at the
competent forum only after confirmation of alignment with BESP |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
All horizontal and vertical tiers are involved in education planning |
7.2.3 Involve attached
departments, divisional, district and sub-district tiers in planning |
I. Make it mandatory for the DEO to solicit
proposals for development budget from clusters within their jurisdiction, and for the Directorate of |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DOE(S) |
Education (Schools) to
solicit proposals for
development budget from the district tier |
II. Revise the composition of DSC to make
heads of all attached departments its member |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Quarterly supervision and monitoring of development projects of SED ensured |
7.2.4 Strengthen supervision and
monitoring of implementation of development projects of SED |
I. Require SED to obtain
and review PC-III forms for each development project on a quarterly basis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.68 |
II. Mandate
divisional directors to supervise
progress on development schemes and share progress
reports with SED on quarterly basis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Program 7.3 Results-based management |
Sub Goal 7.3. Promote a result-based management
system to improve monitoring and managerial efficiency |
system established |
7.3.1 Introduce and
implement a result-based management system in all attached |
Introduce the rules to mandate all attached departments of SED to develop annual work plans |
X |
0.17 |
The submission of
proposals for education budget by
attached organisations |
departments of the SED |
should be linked to the
existence of approval of work plans |
II. Ensure that annual
work plans are developed by each attached department and approved by its head |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Require Heads of attached departments to organise bi- monthly meetings to review progress against work plans and
Secretary SED to hold quarterly
progress reviews |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.68 |
Formal coordination mechanism established |
7.3.2 Establish formal
coordination among the horizontal tiers of SED |
I. Constitute and notify a
committee for coordination among the attached departments of SED |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
M&E strategy approved Percentage of M&E
strategy implemented |
7.3.3 Develop and
implement a comprehensive M&E
strategy |
I. Develop and approve an
M&E strategy for the entire education system and its sub- systems |
X |
3.16 |
M&E strategy should include: ▪
Standards and benchmarks ▪
Objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) for inputs, |
processes, outputs and outcomes of education ▪
Data collection against set indicators; ▪
Reporting and follow up
mechanism and structures; ▪
Periodic evaluations; |
II. Implement the M&E
strategy at all levels |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
BoC, BAEC, |
An overall M&E mandate and framework complemented by M&E mechanism in each
individual organisation This should
include strengthening of PMC as a
regular government entity. PMC may
be merged with PPIU to establish a new
directorate of planning and monitoring |
under the direct
supervision of
Secretary Education. Revise the data collection
framework for PMC based on the needs identified by the M&E strategy. Especially, the functions of RTSM should
be revised to include monitoring of school
improvement plans and learning outcomes. Build and improve the data analysis capacity of PMC Capacity of all attached departments on M&E |
Program 7.4 Better Human Resource Management and Development |
Sub Goal 7.4. Improve HR management framework to
increase productivity of the education workforce |
7.4.1 Develop a
holistic and |
I. Identify clear objectives for HR |
X |
4.93 |
Integrated HR policy approved |
integrated HR policy to provide clear strategic direction for managing and developing
human resource of SED |
management and development
and review existing policies and rules against them |
Develop and approve an integrated HR policy (and
rules) aligned with the objectives |
X |
X |
RC |
Specialised HR Unit
established |
7.4.2 Develop a specialised structure for managing and developing human
resource of SED based on the HR policy |
I. Develop a proposal for establishing a specialised
unit as per needs of the HR policy |
X |
RC |
II. Get
the proposal approved |
X |
RC |
III. Setup the
specialised unit |
X |
RC |
HRMIS revised and upgraded HRMIS utilised |
7.4.3 Consolidate the existing
HR Management Information System (MIS) to facilitate
efficient management of human
resource of SED |
I. Establish a specialised
unit within SED to manage human resource |
X |
RC |
II. Review, revise and
upgrade the existing HRMIS based on needs of the HR policy |
X |
2.08 |
III. Introduce rules to
mandate the specialised HR unit to
use HRMIS |
X |
RC |
Teaching cadre personnel |
7.4.4 Induction and ongoing |
I. Design and develop |
X |
7.5 |
posted as managers trained in managerial
skills |
trainings for teaching cadre personnel posted as managers |
managerial training program for teaching cadre
personnel posted as managers |
II. Introduce induction trainings for
teaching cadre personnel at the time of first posting on managerial position |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
III. Conduct managerial trainings of all existing staff posted as managers and organise
follow up trainings after every three years |
X |
X |
Program 7.5 Greater Private Sector Engagement |
Sub Goal 7.5. Encourage, and regulate, greater private sector participation and
investment in education service delivery |
Private schools regulatory
framework standardised, institutionalised and disseminated |
7.5.1 Strengthen regulatory
framework for private schools to protect
public interest as well as encourage participation of the private sector as a key partner in the |
I. Develop a strategic
framework for regulating private schools in consultation with
representatives of private schools and
community |
X |
X |
0.26 |
II. Discard the draft Balochistan Private Educational |
X |
RC |
delivery of education |
Institutions Registration,
Regulation and Promotion Bill 2019
and instead review 2015 Act |
III. Develop rules for
operationalisation of the revised act |
X |
0.43 |
Designate or create a specialised
unit within the DOE(s) to oversee implementation of the regulatory framework |
X |
RC |
regulatory standards for monitoring performance of schools in line with the framework |
Strategy for engaging the
private sector under PPP
mode developed PPP node established in
7.5.2 Develop partnerships
with the private sector for the provision of
education service under PPP mode |
I. Establish a PPP node in
SED in line with the provisions
of the Balochistan Public Private Partnership Act 2018 |
X |
RC |
II. Organise training workshops with
all attached departments of SED to sensitise them on the role of PPPs in education |
X |
X |
1.30 |
Develop, and implement, a strategy for engaging private
sector under PPP mode across the |
X |
X |
X |
X |
3.83 |
strategy should aim to increase access to quality education as well as reduce |
value chain of
education delivery |
management inefficiencies in public schools. Explore the possibility of handing over the
management of low-performing public schools
to the private sector under PPP
mode |
Program 7.6 Effective Decentralised Structures |
Sub Goal 7.6. Strengthen management at the
district and sub-district tiers including schools to bring education delivery closer to
citizens |
Composition and functions
of DEA and DEG revised Effectiveness of DEA and DEG improved |
7.6.1 Consolidate DEA and DEG to improve
district-level management of education |
Review and modify the
functions of DEA and DEG to remove overlap and ensure alignment with
respective mandates |
X |
0.23 |
DOE(S) |
II. Revisit composition of DEA to
strengthen the role of DEO |
X |
DOE(S) |
Cluster-based management strengthened and made
more inclusive |
7.6.2 Rationalise and
consolidate the cluster-based management system to |
Notify guidelines for rationalising the
size and composition of clusters
keeping in view factors such as
geographic |
X |
RC |
a range for the number of
feeder schools in a cluster |
improve compliance with procurement policy 2014 |
proximity and fair
distribution of responsibilities |
Consider the possibility of creating clusters at the level of female middle schools in exceptional circumstances |
II. Require DEOs to revisit cluster composition only once in
2 years |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DEOs |
Efficiency of cluster-based
procurement improved |
7.6.3 Reduce inefficiencies in cluster-based procurement to meet the requirements of schools
more effectively |
I. Amend the notification on Clusters to make the disbursement of cluster-budget
conditional upon the existence of
Local Education Purchase
Committees |
X |
0.34 |
II. Develop and notify a well- thought-out
formula for the distribution of allocated funds among clusters and among
feeder schools within clusters |
X |
RC |
III. Amend the
notification on Clusters to empower cluster
heads to re- appropriate budget from one to another head |
X |
RC |
School-based improvement
and operational plans developed and implemented |
7.6.4 Ensure development and implementation of school- based plans |
I. Develop and approve a standardised format for school improvement plans |
X |
0.17 |
DOE(S) |
II. Notify rules to
mandate heads of middle and high schools to develop and implement annual
school improvement plans |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DOE(S) School Heads |
Capacity building of school principals
conducted |
PTSMCs made functional LECs made functional |
7.6.5 Strengthen community
involvement in the management of school
affairs |
I. Notify fresh elections
for the constitution of PTSMCs in all schools |
X |
3.09 |
II. Notify LECs in all
clusters |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DOE(S), Schools Heads |
III. Hold DEOs accountable
for the formation of LECs |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Program 7.7 Gender-inclusive management |
Sub Goal 7.7. Mainstream gender-sensitivity across
the value-chain of education delivery |
Gender- sensitivity
promoted across the value chain of education delivery |
7.7.1 Ensure gender- sensitivity across the value chain of education
service delivery |
I. Develop a strategy for mainstreaming
gender-sensitivity across the value chain of education delivery |
X |
RC |
II. Train and sensitise officials of the SED on gender-sensitive
management and |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
work place anti- harassment rules |
III. Head hunting for
competent female managers who can be posted at senior positions |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Work environment made more gender-friendly |
7.7.2 Create a
gender-friendly work environment |
I. Establish day- care centres for female employees in SED and its attached
departments |
X |
RC |
II. Construct separate toilets for females in SED and its attached
departments |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
III. Notify female focal
persons to deal with work place harassment |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Program 7.8 Effective accountability |
Sub Goal 7.8. Develop effective accountability
mechanisms for the education system as a whole and its various sub-systems |
High-level accountability
mechanisms improved and consolidated |
7.8.1 Implement a structured and multi-tiered
accountability mechanism with the CM at the top of the chain |
I. Amend rules to ensure
presentation of
progress on BESP bi-annually to the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
II. Notify a high- level
forum under the Chairmanship of Secretary SED to review progress |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
SED, Office
of CS |
quarterly on AOPs and Work Plans |
Participation of
communities in monitoring of
education improved at all tiers of governance |
7.8.2 Strengthen existing social accountability
mechanisms to promote community participation in the management of education |
Amend the ToRs of Additional Secretary (PPIU) to include the responsibility for
holding regular meetings of LEG |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
II. Amend the ToRs of DEG to hold the DC responsible
for regular meetings of DEG |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Office of CS |
III. Mandate the
DEO to hold heads of middle and
high schools accountable for meetings of PTSMCs and LECs respectively |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DOE(S) |
Grievance redressal
mechanisms strengthened and aligned with other
complaint reporting mechanisms at the federal and provincial level |
7.8.3 Ensure effective
grievance redressal mechanisms within the education system and align it with complaint cells at the federal and
provincial level |
I. Develop formal
grievance redressal mechanisms at the district level |
X |
X |
X |
X |
2.23 |
DOE(S) |
II. Promote public
awareness about Complaint Management System (CMS) |
X |
X |
III. Review the CMS to
ensure timely follow-up and action on complaints |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Link CMS with PM Citizen portal and other provincial and federal
complaint systems |
X |
4.5 |
Program 7.9 Increased Transparency |
Sub Goal 7.9. Introduce transparency in the
provision of education to improve trust between the government and citizens |
implemented |
7.9.1 Improve
communication between stakeholders within SED and outside to
improve transparency |
I. Develop, and
implement, a strategy to
communicate progress and respond to queries related to education service delivery |
X |
0.43 |
Publish annual report on issues, reforms and
progress of SED for public use |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Public access to
information improved at all levels |
7.9.2 Improve public access to information
about public expenditures and other
aspects of education department |
Mandate DEOs, cluster heads and school heads to display information related to enrolment, budget
utilisation, procurement, number of teachers and
development schemes at a
prominent place within premises of their offices |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
DOE(S) |
II. Publish all
education-related approved policies, acts and rules on the website including BESP annual
progress reports |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
III. Publish online the
mandatory PC- III forms for each development project on a quarterly
basis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Program 7.10 Constructive Political Engagement |
Sub Goal 7.10. Translate political interest in
education into an asset that supports systemic reform and improvements |
Political leadership
sensitised about the technicalities of education service delivery |
7.10.1 Engage political
leadership to sensitise them about the
technicalities of education
service delivery |
I. Design, and
implement, an advocacy campaign to engage political leadership |
X |
X |
0.21 |
Identify the gaps between technical requirements of
education delivery and
perceptions of politicians |
II. Identify education champions among
politicians and
develop mechanisms to engage them in a
sustained manner |
X |
X |
X |
X |
RC |
Standing Committee on Education engaged |
7.10.2 Engage the Standing
Committee on Education of the provincial assembly in |
I. Mandate Secretary SED to present
progress on implementation of BESP the Standing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.23 |
Office of CS |
advocacy of education reform |
Committee after every 6 months |
II. Hold bi-annual open
seminars with the committee to discuss on
going education reforms and issues |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.54 |
Open forums to include
members of academia and civil
society |
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