Implementation Matrix Effective Teacher
Goal of Learning : Learners are proficient in reading and numeracy, develop analytical skills and are prepared for life and livelihood
Effective Teacher
Program 2 – Effective Teacher
Overall Goal 2. To ensure the provision of required number of teachers having knowledge, skills and dispositions for implementation of student centered teaching and learning.
Learning |
Goal of Learning : Learners are proficient in
reading and numeracy, develop analytical skills and are prepared for life and
livelihood |
2 – Effective Teacher |
Overall Goal 2. To ensure the provision of
required number of teachers having knowledge, skills and dispositions for
implementation of student centered teaching and learning. |
Target |
Strategies |
Activities |
Timelines |
Cost Million in PKR. |
Responsibility |
Assumptions |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Program 2.1 Motivation of Teachers |
Sub-Goal 2.1. Motivate teachers to work as per
professional requirements |
Head teachers and other supervisors trained on mentoring and support functions |
2.1.1 Train head teachers and supervisors in mentoring and support functions. |
I. Prepare a plan
for training of head teachers and other supervisors on mentoring and support
through PITE |
X |
R.C |
Trainings needs assessment is undertaken jointly
by DOE(S) and PITE |
Implement the Plan phase wise |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Revised career and
promotion structures |
Review career structures and promotion aspects of teachers to
enhance options of career progression. |
I. Review the career and
promotion structures of teachers to encourage
professionalism |
X |
0.28 |
Revision of pay scales of primary teachers for
attraction of better quality teacher is part of overall recruitment plan |
II. Revise the career and promotion structures in consultation with teachers |
X |
III. Notify the new career and promotion structures |
X |
R.C |
Better quality primary
teachers recruited |
Upgrade the pay scales
requirements for primary teachers |
Review the pay scales of primary teachers to attract better quality human resource |
X |
0.44 |
Develop a long term plan to recruit more qualified teachers for primary |
X |
R.C |
III. Implement the plan
phase wise |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Teachers’ feedback in
policy changes ensured |
2.1.4 Ensure teachers’ feedback in
policy decisions on
career structures, transfers and postings etc. |
I. Develop mechanisms for feedback
from teachers on policies related to them. |
X |
0.17 |
DOE(S) |
II. Identify representative set of
teachers for feedback (through surveys or FGDs). |
X |
R.C |
III. Revise existing rules
to make this feedback mandatory |
X |
0.22 |
Teachers’ work conditions improved |
Assess work condition of
schools for issues relevant to
teachers including |
Assess work condition of
schools for issues relevant to
teachers including |
X |
R.C |
Assessment of work
conditions and plan prioritise specialised needs |
provision of
basic facilities and prepare and implement a
remedial plan |
provision of basic facilities |
of female teachers |
II. Prepare a remedial plan |
X |
R.C |
III. Implement the plan |
X |
X |
X |
Scale Factor |
Facilities of day care
centre set up in secondary and higher secondary schools |
2.1.6 Set up facilities of
day care centres for female teachers |
I. Identify needs and
feasibility of establishing day care centres in Schools |
X |
RC |
II.Prepare plans for
establishment of day care centres in Secondary and Higher Secondary schools |
X |
III.Implement the plan in
a phased manner |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Single Teacher primary
schools reduced |
Prioritise reduction of
Single Teacher primary schools |
Prepare a plan to reduce single teacher schools at primary level |
X |
Scale Factor |
DOE(S) |
II. Collate the local
plans and prepare provincial plan |
X |
R.C |
III. Implement the plan
phase wise |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Teacher feedback
incorporated in review of learning inputs and policies of student welfare |
2.1.8 Involve teachers and head teachers in regular feedback on
textbooks, curriculum, assessments, |
I. Develop mechanisms for feedback from teachers on textbooks, curriculum, assessments, |
X |
0.33 |
school conditions and
student needs and utilise the feedback on system improvement. |
school conditions
and student needs. |
II. Revise existing rules
to make this feedback mandatory |
X |
Document the feedback and use in systemic
improvements in learning inputs and students |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Program 2.2 Pre-Service Teacher Education |
Sub -Goal 2.2. An academically sound pre-service
teacher education system that produces quality graduates |
Institutionalised feedback
to pre- service teacher
education institutions |
2.2.1 Institute a
coordination and
feedback mechanism between the DOE(S) and providers of pre service teachers education to
identify needs: |
I. Engage with pre-
service teacher education institutions, including,
elementary colleges and universities to agree on a
feedback mechanism |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
Based on the agreement notify the feedback
mechanism that includes inputs from teachers |
X |
R.C |
III. Provide annual
feedback through |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
the institutionalised mechanism |
feedback to, and engagement with HEC, on
pre- service teacher education |
2.2.2 Develop formal feedback mechanism for HEC on issues of Pre service Teacher Education with the
help of the universities and colleges offering education degrees |
I. Engage with Higher
Education Commission to agree on a feedback and engagement process on pre- service teacher education between SED, universities in Balochistan and HEC. |
X |
R.C |
DOE(S) |
II. Develop and sign an agreement accordingly |
X |
R.C |
III. Undertake regular
feedback and engagement with HEC |
X |
X |
X |
0.33 |
Operational standards to ensure
implementation of those set by NACTE developed |
2.2.3 Develop operational standards
(input, processes) in coordination with universities and colleges offering
education degrees to ensure implementation of overall standards set by NACTE |
I. Document gaps in the
current standards regime in view of
NACTE needs |
X |
3.01 |
II. Develop inputs and process
standards for teacher pre-service teacher education
institutions at input and process level |
X |
III. Implement the
standards |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
ICT based education
included in the pre service teacher training |
2.2.4 Review pre- service teacher training approaches to ensure continuity in the pandemic through ICT approaches in coordination
with the universities and colleges offering
education degrees |
I. Include ICT based
education approaches in coordination with the universities and colleges
offering education degrees in the pre service teacher training |
X |
Cost covered above |
Courses on education in pandemics like COVID 19 introduced
in the pre service teacher education |
Review syllabi of pre- service teacher education in consultation with Higher Education Commission and
the universities and colleges
offering education degrees to
introduce courses on education in pandemics like COVID 19 |
I. Initiate consultation with HEC. universities and colleges
offering education degrees and development partners to include courses on education in pandemics like COVID |
X |
RC |
II. Prepare
specialised course material on education in pandemics |
X |
20.5 |
Program 2.3 Continuous Professional Development |
Sub Goal 2.3. A well-established continuous
professional development process for teachers performing effectively |
Formal role of
DOE(S) in teacher professional development introduced |
2.3.1 Introduce a formal role of
DOE(S) in teacher professional
development |
I. Develop a formal
coordination mechanism between PITE and DOE(S) that identifies their respective roles in
teacher professional development |
X |
7.77 |
DOE(S) |
The role will eventually
be taken over by the specialised human resource management unit proposed
under ‘Governance and Management |
II. Identify additional professional
development responsibilities of
DOE(S) beyond teacher training |
X |
III. Notify the changes in
official rules. |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Revamped CPD implemented |
2.3.2 Review and expand the current professional development program for teachers |
I. Review the
current CPD for improvements
through consultations between DOE(S)
and PITE |
X |
1.79 |
DOE(S) |
II. Prepare a revised plan
jointly signed off by DOE(S) and PITE |
X |
III. Implement the plan
phase wise |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Teachers are trained on child/learner |
2.3.3 Prioritise
training of teachers on |
Prepare training material on child/learner |
X |
1.23 |
friendly approaches |
child/learner friendly approaches in the CPD Plan |
friendly approaches |
II. Integrate aspects of child/learner friendly
approaches into teachers regular
training under CPD model |
X |
under material development and CPD |
III. Training of all
teachers on child/learner friendly approaches |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Regular and organised peer learning
sessions in schools and at cluster levels |
2.3.4 Encourage
and Institutionalise peer learning processes |
I. Develop guidelines for head
teachers and other supervisors to organise peer learning sessions based on
local needs |
X |
0.37 |
DOE(S) |
Review the guidelines in consultation with teachers |
X |
IV. Notify, implement and monitor
guidelines for peer learning sessions |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Head teachers trained in
teacher evaluations |
2.3.5 Train head teachers in |
I. Undertake training needs assessments |
X |
3.84 |
teacher evaluations |
II. Develop a training plan |
X |
III. Implement the plan
phase wise |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Capacity of PITE enhanced |
2.3.6 Develop Capacity of Provincial Institute of Teacher Education |
I. Review the existing
capacity development plan for PITE |
X |
3.54 |
II. Prepare a revised plan |
X |
III. Implement the
capacity development plan |
X |
X |
X |
Regular Cost |
CPD linked to promotion |
2.3.7 Link CPD with
teachers’ promotion |
I. Develop rules for
linking CPD to promotions |
X |
RC |
DOE(S) |
II. Approve Rules |
X |
RC |
Teachers informed on COVID 19 and necessary response to it |
2.3.8 Conduct emergency Teacher awareness and training
on COVID 19 through ICT and other
means |
I Prepare awareness
session and training
program on COVID 19 though ICT and other medium |
X |
5.90 |
II. Conduct awareness
sessions and trainings
on COVID 19 |
X |
Program 2.4 Teacher Availability |
Sub-Goal 2.4. Ensure availability of quality
teachers for all institutions |
Long term teacher
recruitment plan prepared and operationalised |
2.4.1 Prepare a long term
teacher recruitment plan |
I. Assess and identify;
teacher needs for the next 20 years, supply side constraints |
X |
X |
0.39 |
DOE(S) |
Plan includes demand and
supply side issues and solutions |
based on current and future needs. |
and include expansion of
supply of quality teachers over time, and limitations of recruitment of
quality teachers at the local level |
II. Develop a long term
plan for teacher recruitment |
X |
III. Ensure timely
implementation of recruitment in a phased mannered |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Number of female teachers of science, mathematics and languages
enhanced |
2.4.2 Prioritise
development and recruitment of science, mathematics and language
teachers, especially, for
females for post primary classes |
I. Identify minimum needs
for science, mathematics and language teachers for rural female schools |
X |
0.28 |
DOE(S) |
The challenge for female
schools may need to be met with more innovative and flexible options
including short term contracts and age relaxation for recruitment of teachers
in the local area. |
II. Negotiate with
Pre-service teacher education
institutions to expand specialised
programs for science, mathematics and languages |
X |
R.C |
III. Provide scholarships to females from rural areas to participate
in these programs |
X |
X |
X |
X |
0.17 Details to
be worked out |
Alternative options to use
of teachers on additional duties identified |
2.4.3 Engage with the
government in identifying alternative options to use of teachers on additional duties |
I. Set up a committee with S&GAD to review the impact of additional duties on teacher
effectiveness and prepare alternative plans |
X |
Costed above |
DOE(S) |
These plans can include
organisation of activities in summer and winter vacations. Alternatively,
where this cannot be possible other options of HR should be explored and
utilised. Another option to explore is compensatory classes for children |
II. Prepare a plan for
additional duties to ensure
children do not suffer
in term of teaching time |
X |
III. Implement the plan |
X |
X |
X |
R.C |
Recruitment testing process improved |
2.4.4 Review the
recruitment testing process for
improvements |
I. Review the current
testing processes and tools in consultation with the
testing body |
X |
R.C |
II. Propose changes |
X |
Implement the changes in the tools and processes |
X |
Recruitment rules revised to encourage better qualified personnel |
2.4.5 Review the
recruitment rules to encourage
better qualifications |
I. Form a committee to review recruitment
rules to include advantages for better qualified personnel |
X |
R.C |
II. Revise recruitment rules |
X |
III. Notify revised rules |
X |
Induction trainings introduced for new recruits |
2.4.6 Introduce Induction
training for all new recruits |
I. Prepare rules for
induction trainings |
X |
RC |
II. Develop induction trainings |
X |
RC |
III. Implement the
trainings |
X |
X |
X |
X |
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